Kelley Phelan, Author of “Little Wolf, Little Warrior” Interview

“My circumstances of trauma as a child forced my imagination to grow. Even in the darkness, there is always a light. It is our job to find that light and let it shine.”

-Author, Kelley Phelan

Kelley Phelan is a fashion designer and painter. Last year, she published a book of poems, “Little Wolf, Little Warrior,” to heal herself and express her emotions to better understand why certain situations were triggering her. She also started journaling. She sent me her book to review, and afterward, I became intrigued and wanted to know more. Here’s what I found out:

MLR: Who is Kelley Phelan?

KP: What a complex question! After my spiritual awakening, it was a bit difficult to answer this. I am an aspect of the creator in physical form, here to express my creativity. I’m also a girl from San Diego trying to find her place in the world. I’ve failed more times than not, but I keep going!

MLR: What was the inspiration behind “Little Wolf, Little Warrior?”

KP: My inspiration came when I wrote the poem “Clink, Ting, Tin.” I was sitting home on a rainy day, and my inner world took my imagination to a whole new level. The sound of rain captured my soul, and the poem just flowed out of me. It was during that flow state that I was inspired to continue writing.

Since its publication last year, she’s given a few copies to friends and family and has now started giving copies to bloggers and reviewers. She’s had a good reaction from the people who have read it so far and hopes that it can be well-received by everyone.

Phelan sees herself as creative and says that all she ever wanted to do was create ever since she was a child. “My circumstances of trauma as a child forced my imagination to grow. Even in the darkness, there is always a light. It is our job to find that light and let it shine. I love to create anything. It’s my happy place.”

When asked what advice someone has given her that’s kept her motivated, along with what advice she would give to aspiring authors, she states, “The main advice that keeps me motivated is to keep going and never stop. Life throws us into a whirlwind of emotions and situations that test our strength and character, not to mention our endurance. The best advice I can give is to keep moving forward no matter what life throws at you!”

Phelan keeps going. She’s working on her second poetry book and says she wants people to know that it’s okay for them to be their true selves.

“Our world is filled with people wearing a false mask, especially with social media. We tend to want people only to see the facade of who we are. To stand out as one of true authenticity is to truly stand in your power. I hope more people can be themselves and share that common ground.”

She continued, “The dormant gifts inside us will awaken if we tune in enough to see the subtle signs. Once we shift our perception and see that there is always a blessing, even in the most difficult times, we can re-focus on a more positive outlook on life. It takes time and patience, but there is always a silver lining.”

If you want to learn more about Kelley Phelan and what she’s working on, you can visit her website or email her at Morgan Lee Reviews thanks Kelley Phelan for this interview!